A fundamentalist turned freedom chaser with an obnoxiously stubborn faith.

Mom Moments

When RJ is snug in her bed and the night is winding down, I have the honor of putting our well loved home back in order. I pick up her brightly colored toys and stack them neatly near the wall. I clear the sink and sweep the crumbs from the counters. I toss and fluff throw pillows to their homes on the couches and I grab bits of garbage or laundry during my final walk through.

I love the thought of RJ hearing me wash dishes. I can remember my mom doing her gifts of service every night; it made me feel comfortable and safe. I would wake up to a cleared kitchen and folded laundry. The floors would be clean and ready for another day of wear. No matter what transpired the day before, our home was a clean slate every morning. 
It makes me think of that verse:

The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.

 As RJ grows I hope to relay that character trait of God to her. I hope to give her the grace He so generously gives me and let her rest in the home He allows me to make for her. A home of mercy. I hope that my patience and love for my children is new every morning and that I will remember constantly to enjoy these little blessings while they are still young.

And I hope that I will take joy every evening, when my babies are snug and the night is quieting, in picking up the brightly colored reminders of God’s favor and wiping off remnants of His abundance from the countertops.

6 responses to “Mom Moments”

  1. Disctracted Academic Avatar

    Burgeoning into parenthood this struck a special chord. The tasks of the mom, and the heart from whence they come, are the fibers tightly woven that sustain the ethos of the household. Thank you.

  2. Disctracted Academic Avatar

    This is of course evident by what you've been able to do with that living room in a matter of days. Well done! Looks amazing.

  3. Krysann Joye Avatar

    Thank you!! I can't wait to see little Ronen in it! 🙂 And his awesome parents, too, of course. 😉

  4. Krysann Joye Avatar

    Thank you, Jae. That really means a lot and I must say what I'm sure you already know: your home's weaver is a rare gem. One I am honored to call a friend. <3

  5. patbtiffb Avatar

    I absolutely love this. When I was a kid, I remember those same sounds, the kitchen getting its last clean up… the dryer opening for the last load to come out… its amazing the "simple" things we remember from our childhood, and how they mean so much to us as adults. It makes that evening clean up, just that much easier…when you know its bigger purpose is so great.

  6. […] counters and vacuum lines on the rug mean peace and calm and smile-sighs. I find deep joy in serving my family this way. My mom and gramma passed on that legacy, and my gramma’s straight-from-a-magazine […]

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