A fundamentalist turned freedom chaser with an obnoxiously stubborn faith.

What's in a Name

When we were pregnant with RJ we had to come up with a boy name (since she was keeping her gender a secret) and we loved the name Gideon. It’s strong and belonged to a man who trusted God to do something crazy. We liked that. When our little girl was born we shelved the name for our future boy.
Then when we were pregnant this time we were reading the bible one morning and came across the name Eleazar. It was just a mention of the name, he isn’t a key player or anything, but we both stopped and said how we really liked it and wondered what it meant. We looked it up and found that it means “God is our help.” It shook us in a good way. Our entire relationship is built upon that truth. It is fundamental to our existence and our family. God is our help. And through every “adventure” we’ve gone through this has been made more and more clear. During this pregnancy God has led me to see Him as our Helper in deeper ways still. And we know that He will keep showing us. Because He’s God and He loves us and we are constantly in need of His help.
So when our little boy was born we took a couple days to get to know him a little bit. Gideon is still a really cool name, but this little guy has a quieter spirit. We both get a sense of strength from him, but not the loud kind that will get him noticed. The humble kind that will get God noticed. We see him leading with compassion and confidence. Maybe we are just biased and hopeful, but right now that’s what’s on our hearts for our little man. Regardless, this child is yet another reminder of God’s help in our life and we love that every time we say his name we are proclaiming our very Hope!
James is the name of my Gramdaddy whom Gabe and I just love. He is a man of God who is loving and humble and we always knew our first son would share his name.
So there it is! Our son is no longer nameless. 🙂 We love you, Eleazar! Thank you for coming!

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