A fundamentalist turned freedom chaser with an obnoxiously stubborn faith.

Take What Works

a monthly note from a friend

For a while I’ve had this desire to share things that I’m learning and working through in a more direct way.

I will never stop narrating my life (and/or fictional lives) and lots of this stuff comes through in those narrations, but I also want to pull back the curtain on things that I find helpful and meaningful to me. Because maybe you will find them helpful, too!

So I’m excited to introduce Take What Works. A monthly newsletter that takes a deeper dive into the things I’m into that I think you might get something from.

The title comes from conversations with my friends in which, before I share anything resembling advice, I say some version of “Take what works and leave the rest!” (sometimes I also say, “This is either Jesus or gas,” but that seems like a less cute title).

And that’s what this is: an invitation to a few minutes with a friend who has open hands and your Good in mind.

Sometimes I’l introduce a psychological modality or concept I’ve found helpful, sometimes I’ll share an idea I’m wrestling with to test it out, sometimes I might share a TV show or podcast and what I think you might get from it. We’re following something like Spirit here, friends. It’s annoyingly fluid.

Mostly I just want to provide you a moment in your inbox that helps. Because we’re all carrying burdens and it’s not always obvious what we need or where we’ll get it.

If this sounds like something you’d like, subscribe below. And if you have any suggestions for topics or something you want to know more about, let me know!

If you are already subscribed and looking for the archive, here you go!

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