A fundamentalist turned freedom chaser with an obnoxiously stubborn faith.

To Start a Busy Day

It will be a busy day.
A day of work.
A full brim day.
And by the end I will be done.
(At the start of it, I’m done).
Today will be a busy day.
And I just had to stop to say.
That through the busy and the stress
Through the sorting and the mess
I am breathing in my Maker
Indulging as a selfish taker
All the love I can’t afford
All the peace I don’t deserve.
So let this busy day commence
Cause He is here in all the stress.
And though I may just lose my wits
I’ll never lose this love that sticks.

4 responses to “To Start a Busy Day”

  1. oneblessedgirl27 Avatar

    I love that you were able to focus your heart in such a poetic way, before a day of dreaded doings. I hope it went better than you imagined.

    1. Krysann Joye Avatar

      It went better and worse in a strange way, but it was good! I think Jesus and Dutch Bros are propping me up this weekend. ;D Next time we move I’m taking a vacation and letting a company do it. 😛

  2. leah Avatar

    Your are awesome!
    Publishing poetry.
    That takes guts, I think: the super-artsy expression of the heart. ‘Cause let’s face it, it is not much these days of social networking to publish your annoyance, your funny little anecdotal, your favorite recipes, or generic expressions of “I know I will get through it”.
    I loved this.

    1. Krysann Joye Avatar

      Thanks, Leah! I admit I didn’t share this one on facebook because, yeah, little more intimidating when there are (it seems) more “rules” to break… But hey.. I’m sure my prose would make literary experts cringe, too! Honest art doesn’t have to be pretty to be beautiful, yeah? 🙂 Thanks for being a safe place!

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