A fundamentalist turned freedom chaser with an obnoxiously stubborn faith.

Five Minute Friday: Jump

Five Minute FridayHere are the rules (please join in!):
1. Write for 5 minutes flat on the prompt “After” with no editing, tweaking or self critiquing.
2. Link back to Lisa-Jo’s and invite others to join in {you can grab the button code in her blog’s footer}.
3. Go and tell the person who linked up before you what their words meant to you. Every writer longs to feel heard.
It’s scary from so high and the times you leapt before are stuck in your head with stubborn surety. The same arms that promise to catch you have let you fall before so you are hesitant to do it again.
But there is no hope for healing if you stay where you are. And no hope of things becoming new. With a God so big it can be hard not to trust that the end result will be something beautiful. He leapt – bleeding, praying, losing breathe – and the end result was more than beautiful. So your faith, not your past, can be the spot from which you take that fall. Purposefully, through fear. Your spirit testifies to Arms that will catch you no matter what and you take a few shaky steps forward and…

7 responses to “Five Minute Friday: Jump”

  1. Iris Avatar

    “there is no hope for healing if you stay where you are” ~ what profound truth.
    Such encouraging words to take that leap…that jump.
    Beautifully written!

  2. kbaesen Avatar

    Faith is a jump! Beautifully written!

  3. Patty Avatar

    So, so true. Change is hard, but He knows just what we need. Thank you for sharing.

  4. Genevieve Avatar

    Yes. Love it!! Leaps of faith carry us where we couldn’t go without them.

  5. leah Avatar

    Popping in from fiveminfri scanning entries and clicked on your because I liked your blog name. I am so glad that I did. I really like what you said here, and found myself writing the same phrase of “a big God” in terms of jumping, which is faith.
    I poked around your folk tale series and really appreciated your write up and heart of birth control…the big taboo subject among us church women. We have come to the just about the same conviction in our marriage.

    1. krysannjoye Avatar

      Thank you so much for taking the time to read my rantings, Leah!! I can’t wait to get my comfies on and go read your posts – it seems like a lot of us took this word and thought about our faith. It’s so awesome to see God moving in the hearts of His daughters…
      I’m so grateful to you for sharing that you relate to the birth control post. It is quite taboo… But we have been so blessed by where God has taken us with it. <3

  6. shortybear Avatar

    Amen, He will always catch you.

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