5 Minute Fridays are this thing I do with a bunch of other women over at www.lisajobaker.com where we write for 5 minutes straight with little to no editing and no overthinking. It’s a chance to do some mental yoga and practice writing from the heart without caring too much about how it turns out. Please join in!!
I want another baby. We both do, actually. So the negative pregnancy tests kind of suck. I enjoyed pregnancy and birth (well, birth in retrospect only) and I thoroughly enjoy having RJ here. I waited a long time to be able to conceive again and now that it’s here I have to wait some more.
I thought that we could never open our home up and be constantly surrounded by people. I’m somewhat of an introvert and it actually, legitimately scared me to think of an open door. But now we are here and God has used my uncomfortable compromise to enrich our lives more than I can express.
Sometimes I have to wait. I have to let my patience be tried and give up my idea of a perfect life. Because if I’m not content with where I am now, with what we have, with who we know, I won’t be content if my ideal is achieved.
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