So, I kind of have the best friends. Sorry. Yours are probably cool, too.
A few of them {Tessa, Krista & Hannah} got their sweet and thoughtful heads together and came up with the PERFECT baby shower for Baby Berry and I. Seriously. Perfect. With little touches that made you say, “Awwww” {unless your clothespin said you weren’t allowed to} and unique games that brought wide smiles and tons of giggles.
And then some of the loveliest ladies showed up with joy and excitement for this little love. They told birth stories, laughed at the word “sperm” {which I feel was used unusually often}, and just overall relished in this womanly rite of passage. I love having sisters who love being sisters. We get to enjoy being girls together and rejoice in each others’ blessings. {When stuff hurts, we get to share that, too so it doesn’t hurt as bad… Or we at least feel less alone.}
I spent most of the time just enjoying the wonderfully fun party that these beautiful ladies threw, but I did manage to snap a few photos!
And here are Krista’s photos – so glad she got them!!
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